Correction super urgente avant mardi soir si possible , de cela depend ma prochaine année

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Conversation avec le cyberprof

Bonsoir, c’est tres urgent, c’est pour mercredi midi et cette note va dépendre de mon integration en prépa, il ùe faut un 14.J’ai répondu aux question concernant un texte mais il doit y avoir des fautes d’orthographes et d’expressions alors pouvez vous me coriger super bien ce texte ( car c’est la rubrique demendé une correction), ce serait super si il pouvait etre parfait car mon avenir depend en partie de cette prof est tres exigente sur le vocabulaire et l’expression .@micalement

****list all the elements showing that América is becoming more and more violent :::::::::::::On the whole, in the text, there are several elements who show that the america is becoming more and more violent of different way.first of all, the text indicate that the juvenil delinquency increases and were frequently repeated « joined a gang storyat the age of 12.13 » »he was persecuted 13 times and did a spell inside », »murder arrests for children between 10 and 14 went up by a third between 1998 and 1992 ».Then, the others element concerne the circulation of the weapons of more and more frequent who imply murder of more and more large”to work ant that the 200 to 400 millions guns in the united states”, “guns now kill more American teenage boys than all natural causes combined””report a 600 percent increase in gang murders in the four years to 1993”
Moreover, they are secondary elements like “ gang territory is marked out by graffity”.As a conclusion, we can say that there are a lot of element representing the rise of the violence in America.

********How does the journalist explain this growing violence ?:::::::::::::::The journalist explain this growing violence like the result of the Reagan years ( 1980)He denounce the settlement of the underclass in the inner cities. He evike too the nibilism that he considers like the event of live on the fringe of the society.In a word, he says that is the result of a bad integration in the society .

***********Is it the only reasons ?How do we know ?Can you think of other reasons ?::::::::::::::::::Personaly, I think that it is not the only reasons.We know that there are other reasons because the journalist say that it is a problem since the’s 80s, so, as far as I know, the chances are that there are other or differents causes .

*We can think that are several reasons : first of all, I am under the impression that the gang live on the fringe of society since the ‘s50s.Moreover, we can suppose that there is a sentiment of revange due to the colonization and now, there are the human rights so, they exist and the culture are in direct opposition .Beside, the american’s poupulation is a few nomadis so the adaptation is hard .In a word, we can think at a lot of reasons because the USA have a short story but hard and violent .

**************Phoenix be said to be a city of contrasts ? ::::::::::::::Phoenix can be said a city of contrast because thank to the text, we know that it is rich city”the old and the rich go to find winter sun”.It’s a posh city and it’s a city where the rich man are a socialite, the old man in Phoenix have a taste for the society lifeHowever, the text indicate that in phoenix, the gang territory is marked by a graffiti, a sophisticated vocabulary and a particulary style in clothing.As a conclusion, we must say the Phoenix be sais a city of contrast because two culture and two craze of life coexist in a same place .  


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