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Anglais > sujets expliqués - 23/04/2012 - correction

Could bartering be chosen as an interesting alternative to commerce ? 300 words

Barter could be an alternative to commerce because bartering allows businesses to sell goods and services to case-poor customers. We can see barter’s influence wherever a barterer is placing an extra order for farm supplies, filling an empty table at a restaurant, or joining a telephone answering service with had been going broke. Too, bartering is a good idea if both sides go though with it as in as straight swap. But the problem is when it is used for services. I bartered with someone, I get T-shirt of an unusual size for him in exchange for her doing housework. He got the T-shirt and a year on still awes me a day of housework.
Barter provides a basis for the re-definition of money and economists. Some people believe that bartering is a philosophical challenge to our money-based economic system. These people create barter clubs which are decentralized, operated by members of the community, and guided by idealistic motives. Some of them try to transform economic values by making all labor equal: your hour of work equals mine, even though you are a doctor.
Yes, barter could be an alternative to commerce because the items traded are always necessary, they do not gain and lose value like the dollar or Eurodollar. The main problem with the barter system is that nobody can carry around the items they want to trade in their pockets, while money is small, lightweight, and easy to handle.
Bartering is a good idea if both sides go though with it as in as straight swap. The problem is when it is used for services. I bartered with someone, I got bas of an unusual size for her in exchange for her doing housework. She got the bras and a year on still owes me a day of housework. However barter affects the economic system.



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