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Anglais > sujets expliqués - 10/04/2012 - correction

Expression écrite : give your opinion about this issue . what do you think of death penalty in the us ? what is the situation in france or in other countries ?

In my opinion I think the death penalty has been taken over board we need to find other ways of punishment because if you think about this for a minute what if the person on death row was innocent? Then we are killing them for now reason.
Well I would really like to hear what you think because maybe I'm wrong who knows thats why I'm asking.I used to completely agree with the death penalty. If someone killed another person, why not kill them, it is only fair to the family of the lost one, right? if it is illegal for the individual to kill, why is it ok for the state to Kill?
What if the monster really is not a monster? An innocent man wrongly convicted, you can release a man from a life sentence. What do you tell a widow, whose husband was wrongfully executed? I think we can all guarantee this situation has happened on more than one occasion. Sure some people commit certain crimes that are worth the death sentence, but overall I do not see the justification in the state being able to take a life. Revenge is not the answer, and thats what the death sentence is.
Indeed. I believe that the legal system in the US needs a real changing. Some ideas: -It should be more consistent. -Punish the 'worst' crimes with the most brutal punishments, no exceptions. -Stop prosecuting people for drug crimes. (20% of prisoners) -Stop treating prisoners as if they're staying at a motel.
-Make the punishment fit the crime. There are so many ways to punish someone. Some involved with rehabilitation. It has become a huge tangled mess of a problem and it's just easier to kill people .
In france was abolished the death penalty on 16 March 1981: During the presidential election campaign, François Mitterrand declared that he was against the death penalty. This was taken up in the Socialist Party's 110 Propositions for France electoral program, along with others justice reforms. Mitterrand was elected President on 10 May. On 26 August: The Council of Ministers approved the bill to abolish the death penalty.There were before the execution by guillotine for the French Revolution.
In the Countries , the death penalty is still alive and well around the world.
The latest statistics show that China executes thousands
China, together with Iran, North Korea, Yemen and the US carried out the most executions . Amnesty said at least 676 executions were carried out last year. Half of those took place in Iran (276). North Korea executed 30, Yemen 29 and the US 43. The minimum number of executions was down from at least 714 in 2009. Methods of execution included beheading, electrocution, hanging, lethal injection and various kinds of shooting (by firing squad, and at close range to the heart or the head). No stonings were recorded in 2011, but public executions were known to have been carried out in Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Somalia.
But regardless of whether executions are happening, thousands are being sentenced to death. At least 1,923 people were known to have been sentenced to death in 63 countries in 2011. In france was abolished the death penalty on 16 March 1981: During the presidential election campaign, François Mitterrand declared that he was against the death penalty. This was taken up in the Socialist Party's 110 Propositions for France electoral program, along with others justice reforms. Mitterrand was elected President on 10 May. On 26 August: The Council of Ministers approved the bill to abolish the death penalty.There were before the execution by guillotine for the French Revolution.
In the Countries , the death penalty is still alive and well around the world.
The latest statistics show that China executes thousands
China, together with Iran, North Korea, Yemen and the US carried out the most executions . Amnesty said at least 676 executions were carried out last year. Half of those took place in Iran (276). North Korea executed 30, Yemen 29 and the US 43. The minimum number of executions was down from at least 714 in 2009. Methods of execution included beheading, electrocution, hanging, lethal injection and various kinds of shooting (by firing squad, and at close range to the heart or the head). No stonings were recorded in 2011, but public executions were known to have been carried out in Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Somalia.
But regardless of whether executions are happening, thousands are being sentenced to death. At least 1,923 people were known to have been sentenced to death in 63 countries in 2011.

Vous pouvez voir s'il y a des fautes avant demain soit le Mercredi 11 avril 2012 ? Merci !



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