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Anglais > sujets expliqués - 17/10/2013 - correction

Midterm exam

Voici un devoir que j'ai à rendre rapidement (dimanche au plus tard). Pouvez vous me le corriger dans ce délai ? Je mets les consignes ci-dessous et mon devoir en pièce jointe. Merci par avance.


1. You may use any non-living (i.e., don’t talk to anyone else) source as a reference for this exam.
2. You may write as little as you like, but do not go over the maximum of 2 pages in total for this test (you may dedicate 1 page for each of the two questions).
3. Formatting: 1 inch margins, 12 font size, Times New Roman, single-spaced, 2 page maximum.
4. There is no need for a title page and no need to rewrite the question… just dive into writing your responses.
5. You will be graded on:
 Is your answer focused and accurate?
 Did you carefully organize and describe your response in a way that a business professional would understand and appreciate?
 Did you properly incorporate theories/principles to address the issue(s)?
 Is your writing/formatting style at a graduate level?
6. Name the Word file “yourlastname_midterm.doc”
7. Email me your exam as a MS Word document.
8. This is due Sunday, October 20th at 6pm CST. However, please feel free to email it sooner if you are done.


You are a team leader of 10 individuals who are each successful in their tactical roles primarily by driving business results with an extreme focus on maximizing execution and ensuring profitability. Recently, there were several promotions available across the organization, and while you thought several members of your team were likely candidates for the promotion, they were all passed over. The feedback you received indicated that while your team members were strong on planning and creating action plans, they did not demonstrate strong interpersonal skills. In order to develop your team for future advancement opportunities, you decide to train them on the growing importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace. Discuss what your message would be to the team (I understand that your ideas will be general since I did not give specific feedback for each individual on the team).




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Niveaux scolaires

 . Collège
 . Lycée
 . Fac (DEUG)
 . Classes préparatoires - CPGE
 . BTS
 . DUT
 . Fac (> DEUG)
 . Ecoles (> BAC+2)

parents d'élèves :  nos conseils

Qu'est-ce que ?

Derniers devoirs traités

 . Dm anglais
 . Correction devoir d'anglais
 . Correction devoir anglais
 . Corriger devoir anglais
 . Myths and heros
 . Spaces and exchanges
 . Lieux et formes de pouvoir
 . Idée de progrès
 . Mythes et héros
 . Lettre
 . Correction de la rédaction d'anglais
 . Correction de dissertation sur la reconstruction era
 . Bac oral anglais
 . Correction qcm
 . Document 5 pages