Voici. Pour l'avenir, pensez à simplifier vos phrases, c'est votre principale source d'erreurs.
I’m going to talk about the notion "of places and forms of power". First of all, power is the exercise of influence or authority on someone, or a group of people. It can be physical, or cultural. But sometimes, power is represented as material like the weapons in the United States. But are the firearm checks the only forms of powers in the United States?
To begin, firearms are a big part of the American culture : all Americans can possess a firearm just supplying a license. Indeed, in class, we spoke about a document untitled " getting has gun in Colorado ". A man explained that in this state, if you are eighteen years old and if you didn’t commit a crime, you can have a firearm. You can also have a firearm on you as long as it is not hidden. Even if the port of military weapons are regulated, we can conclude that firearms are an integral part of the American culture.
We also studied an audio document " golden Conchetta gun control " in which Conchetta, asserts that weapons are a good thing. His son, three years old, was for the shooting rangen but he is a teenager today, who understands that it is no toy and understands the damages which it can make. For her, it is enough to explain that weapons can be to use advisedly and it is an educational shape that it thus has a positive side. Thus we are tempted to say that the control of firearms is the only shape of power in the United States.
However, the United States have another form of power. Indeed, they apply the death penalty today. We studied a text in class Death and innocence "which asserts that he likely that America put to death innocent people according to the law, but for all that the Americans do not seem concerned enough to want to finish the death penalty. According to the poll published in the Economist, 83 % of people agreed with the death penalty and the great majority are safe that people recognized innocent were executed. For them it is a good dissuasive way for the crimes but the journalist of this article send back the affair of Cameron Todd Willingham, an executed man, who was potentially innocent. Indeed, he was accused of having set fire who killed his daughters whereas he succeeded to escape. After many searches, the experts finally concluded that there was no proof that the fire is criminal. In 2004, he was probably executed by the mortal injection without reason.
For them it is a dissuasive way for crimes but the journalist referred to Cameron Todd Willingham's case, an executed man, who was potentially innocent. Indeed, he was accused of having set fire who killed her daughters whereas he succeeded to escape. After many researches, experts concluded that there was no proof that the fire is criminal. In 2004, he was probably executed by a mortal injection without reason.
So we studied in class an entitled article "has of lawyer speech" which demonstrates that if the accused is poor, he cannot have a fair defense with real investigators and then especially the death penalty and his methods are inhuman. It is what a lawyer tries to explain to the public to defend Matthew Poncelet who was sentenced to death. His objective is to make more sensitive the public against the horror of the mortal injection. He detailed the mortal injection in a dreadful way and said to people in front of the person who is going to die, just to be there and to say "the justice was made". In the face of these elements, we can suppose that the death penalty is really a form of power in the United States.
In conclusion, we can say that the control of firearms is a great form of power in the United States but it is not the only, one just like the death penalty which is always on the agenda. So we can wonder if the trend is going to overturn in front of students who show their anger in front of the numerous tragedies and ask to legalize the carrying of weapons.