en une : Le raisonnement par récurrence


Anglais > sujets expliqués - correction
Dans mon exercice il me demande d'exprimer ce qui change en utilisant le double comparatif.Est ce que vous pouvait me dire si mon exercice ci dessou est bon.

1) Traffic in big cities is getting really bad.
Traffic is bigger and bigger cities is getting really bad.
2) It is difficult to find a parking place.
It is more and more difficult to find a parking place.
3) Many young people stay at their parents' homes until the age of 25.
More and more young people stay at their parents' home until the age of 25.
4) Nowadays personal computers are not very expensive.
Nowadays personal computers are not very and very expensive.
5) A lot of homes are equipped with personal computers.
More and more homes are equipped with personal computers.
6) Children spend a lot of time watching tv.
Children spend more and more time watching tv.
7) Adolescents are taller than their parents.
Adolescents are taller and taller their parents.
8) There are not many french songs on french radio.
There are not more and more french songs on french radio.
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