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Anglais > sujets expliqués - 29/10/2010 - correction


j'ai un exposé a faire et j'aimerai une correction de ce que je dois dire:

The body spirit

The marketing strategy:
If we want our project to be successful, we have to put together a good strategy in order to attract more customers. So, we are going to focus on three points:
_To attract and keep customers
_Advantages concerning our service:

Firstly, we are talking about promotion. Indeed, if we want our fitness club to be famous, we need a good advertising campaign in order to increase awareness about our services, goals and our prices…. So, we decided to create a website where the customers can ask their questions, get information on the different activities of our center, the prices, the packages… Our website is very detailed. Moreover, you can take out a subscription.
Secondly, we are speaking about the developing customer loyalty. Indeed, the goal is to satisfy at best and for longtime our customers the most regular. So, we offer coupons but they are different because they depend of the frequency of customers. These coupons can be reductions, free lessons, presents (for example: bags, tee-shirt, cap...). Moreover, to sponsor other customers permit the diminution of the price of subscriptions. Also, we have packages for students or for families.
The last point represents our strength in comparison to our competitor. In addition to give the customers the best services with a qualified staff and high-performance machines, we decided to develop our activity with the relaxation. On the one hand, the customers can practice yoga, or for example, they can have massage, cours de detente, SPA…. Moreover, the coach can be personal. They can treat a diet and sporty program adapted to their needs. Indeed, the center is in collaboration with dieticians. So, we can create specific programs for each customer. On the other hand, our center sells some products, for example: books about sport, DVD, food products, proteins,… Finally, the body spirit is located in a dynamic area and we open 24 hours on 24 for permit people to come when they want. It's the main advantage.





le contenu est déjà écrit dans le corps de la question, j'ai rajouté le fichiers pour une meilleur lisibilité.




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Derniers devoirs traités

 . Dm anglais
 . Correction devoir d'anglais
 . Correction devoir anglais
 . Corriger devoir anglais
 . Myths and heros
 . Spaces and exchanges
 . Lieux et formes de pouvoir
 . Idée de progrès
 . Mythes et héros
 . Lettre
 . Correction de la rédaction d'anglais
 . Correction de dissertation sur la reconstruction era
 . Bac oral anglais
 . Correction qcm
 . Document 5 pages