en une : Cours philo : Dieu

Bonjour commentar

Francais (college, lycee) > sujets expliqués - 23/02/2008 - correction
bonjour,cela fait la 3eme fois que je fais appel à vous pour corriger mon commentaire de texte en anglais.

Le texte est sur le site:www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2007/dec/05/immigration.immigrationandpublicservices

PLAN/I) Impact sur les immigrants
-Unskilled workers from countries outside the EU will no longer be allowed to work in the UK under new immigration rules
-boost integration and shore up British identity within the points-based system.
-to live, and to build a better life for themselves,

II)Impact sur l'économie
-this would anger some industries that relied on cheap labour
-industries have expressed concern that they might not be able to fill all jobs with EU workers
- Last year some 12,000 non-EU unskilled workers came to the UK.

III) Impact sur les communautés ethniques
-17,000 spouses or fiances enter the UK from their home countries last year, sometimes as a result of arranged marriages.

-It would also like to raise the minimum age at which someone can enter into an arranged marriage from 18 to 21.

-The government would like to require non-British fiances who wish to marry a British citizen to sit an English test.

Commentaire de texte en anglais
sur l'mpact sur les entreprises

As a first step, we will see the consequences of the immigration system based on points industries.
In this article, we can see that certain industries employ many unskilled immigrants because it's cheap labour.
Citation: line 25 "Some industries that relied on cheaplabour."
In this sentence, it is possible to understand that using unskilled immigrants can be advantageous for certain industries because they coutent not chèrs and inexpensive éxigeants.
However, the strengthening of controls such as identity cards and a ban on unskilled immigrants from outside Europe to come and work in the UK will lead to the anger of some industries used to hire them.
Citation: Line 25
However, Liam Byrne (minister of the office) does not want the immigration policy in the UK is conducted by the industries.
Citation: line 26 "but said that he was not going to let ..."
In other words, we can understand that Byrne does not wish conducted only an immigration policy but also ...
In this article, the author said that when the immigration system was announced two years ago, it was expected that immigrants from Europe could fill its posts "low wages".
Quote: "..." Line 29-30
But some industries could not (or were unable) to fill all these posts with only European emigrants.
Citation: line 31 "some industries have expressed sonsern that ..."
One can see here that there is a lack of manpower European unskilled wishing fill those positions.

merci de faire le necessaire c 'est tres urgent.
La personne precedente à corrigé par erreur l'article d'une journaliste connue.Je ne souhaite pas corrigé l'article mais bien le commenter.

C'est pour la semaine prochaine et le temps de me preparer à l'oral.
Je vous ai joint le commentaire de texte en francais+ARTICLE A COMMENTER EN ANGLAIS ET TRADUIT.

MERCI de me corriger et de me proposer des formules plus anglaises pour que mon oral soit fluide et une conclusion ,une problematique.
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