en une : Le lexique de français

Ecjs d3question méthodologique

Geographie (college, lycee) > sujets expliqués - 19/05/2009 - Question simple
Aha I'm not upset really it's just that you use very complex words in French but the general meaning of your sentences is generally unclear. I sometimes wonder if you don’t just recopy what you read without understanding it, which is a clear sign of your not understanding the exercises you have to make. I think you should try to simplify what you write, try to just write what you clearly understand so that it becomes understandable for the corrector as well.

ECJS is a difficult subject because it mixes many notions. I think that your texts are generally supposed to illustrate the notion you’re working on, even though it is sometimes not clear at first. You have to find in the text what is linked to this notion.

For example, when you have to talk about legitimacy, you have to find in your texts what refers to governments (Are they legitimate? Were they elected by the people?) – or to the leader of a country (How was he brought to power?). I don’t think that talking about “l’égalité des chances”, “l’embauche”, etc. is a good idea, because it has nothing to do with this precise notion. Maybe does it refer to another notion you have to work on? I think that for example l’égalité des chances is linked to the question of jobs and housing, because sometimes some categories of people are discriminated against in these domains.

I can’t work further on this question now, but let’s keep this discussion open for the moment so that if you have other questions to ask you can write back to me.
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