en une : Le raisonnement par récurrence

Commentaire de texte en anglais

Francais (college, lycee) > sujets expliqués - 21/02/2008 - correction
I) Impact sur les immigrants
-Unskilled workers from countries outside the EU will no longer be allowed to work in the UK under new immigration rules
-boost integration and shore up British identity within the points-based system.
-to live, and to build a better life for themselves,

II)Impact sur l'économie
-this would anger some industries that relied on cheap labour
-industries have expressed concern that they might not be able to fill all jobs with EU workers
- Last year some 12,000 non-EU unskilled workers came to the UK.

III) Impact sur les communautés ethniques
-17,000 spouses or fiances enter the UK from their home countries last year, sometimes as a result of arranged marriages.

-It would also like to raise the minimum age at which someone can enter into an arranged marriage from 18 to 21.

-The government would like to require non-British fiances who wish to marry a British citizen to sit an English test.

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