en une : Le raisonnement par récurrence

Fin du devoir maison

Anglais > sujets expliqués - 17/11/2007 - correction
voici la fin de mon devoir
Question 6 : The lower groups , Deltas and Epsilons seem apparently happy. They don’t ask themselves the question : « they have been trained to be happy ». If they would have to do Alpha’s work, I think they wouldn’t be satisfied.
Question 7 : If Alphas were inside Deltas or Epsilon bottle, they would suffer because, probably, they would have to do lower class’s job and they aren’t conditioned for this.
Question 8 : The sentences are - « Their conditioning has laid down the rails along which they must run » ligne 20
- « Each one of us goes through life enclosed in bottle of our social training » ligne 22
Question 9 : Mustapha uses the iceberg’s metaphor to describe this « brave new world ». In this text, there isn’t space an temporal’s limits. When the narrator speaks about the iceberg,, he wants to show socials differences in the society. .It’s very pejorative and it show us that this society is fossilized.
Question 10. We can see two groups : firstly, the group who lives above the waterline is named « the Alphas ». They have responsibilities and they represent the top of iceberg. They represent only one-ninth of the people. The other group, Epsilons an Deltas , is constituted by workers. They represent eight-ninths of the people.
Question 11 : The sentence showing what the lower groups are expected to do is « They obey orders »
Question 12 : Two sentences defining the nature of the work they have to do are :- « It’s light work and it’s childishly simple. »
- « It de »mans little effort of mind and body »
Question 13 : Soma is a drug. It represents dose in the objective to be happy. May be, it’s equivalent of meal, vitamins, ecstasy
Expression : 3) This text describes the world in 2543 like a devised society. Howether, today, it’s the reality.
In fact, the Alphas could be represented by managers, and the others represents workers..
The reader could be expect to the novel another storyline, because, when you imagine the future, you think easier to the fly care than about the Alphas.
Secondly, we can add that in 2543, society improves their high technologies although society seams to be extremely divisive.
Readership is choked by this novel : Mustapha Mond is very neutral when he speaks with banality about human’s condition.
In this text, sentiments are absent. For the auteur it’s normal to have disparities in social conditions. For me, an ideal future society would be exist without disparities.
Finally, reader is afraid by his premonitory situation.
The aim of the author is to disappoint and chock his readers. In a second time, we can ask this question : what would be the best which transforms our world in a « brave new world »?
What have we brought in the evolution of this horrible world?
Men want to have a perfect life. We can imagine that in a « brave new world », technology improves in the maximum communication systems and their same consequences like the concurrence . We have to product fast and fast and in a « brave new world » it means men sacrifices, with the best who organize the world but the lowest who execute rapidly orders. It’s true, in this system, they are not a way out. It doesn’t keep place to the error, all is perfectly programmed. And it’s for exact moment that perfect men would is not interesting. We certainly prefer a chaotic world.
Traduction : Est-ce que cette basse classe ouvrière est vraiment heureuse? En dépit de la terrible tâche qu’elle a à accomplir? Demande« l’Étranger »
«Une terrible tâche »? Ils ne trouvent pas que c’est terrible. Au contraire, ils aiment cela. C’est un travail peu pénible et enfantin. Il demande un petit effort intellectuel et physique.
Ils ont sept heures et demi de travail réparties équitablement chaque jour.
Ensuite, ils reçoivent leur ration de « soma ». Chaque jour de travail donne droit au travailleur à une ration déterminée de « soma ».
De nombreux sports et des sorties de cinéma sont organisées. Que peuvent-ils demander de plus?
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