en une : Sujet : causes de la crise de 1929

Idée de progrès

Anglais > sujets expliqués - 25/03/2018 - correction
Bonjour, voici l'extrait corrig? :

I am going to speak about the notion of idea of progress.

The progress allows the world to evolve, to change for the best, to develop by means of discoveries and scientific, technological or technical innovations.

Many types of progress moreover appeared during the last decades as economic, social, or technological. Firstly, progress is a positive issue, but some limits exist.

To begin, we are tempted by saying that progress is a good thing. The 60s were the main source of progress: indeed, there was a big change. In class we spoke of sixties memories. Pete said that it was a great technologic moment with the first color television. For the fashion with the miniskirt. Mike said that it was the first time when ordinary families could have cars. Cathy for her part explained that Great Britain was really the place to be in the sixties because London was the fashionable world leader, the music movies and culture social.

Actually, in class, we studied the Women's Liberation, in 1968, women became more powerful through laws which granted more equality to women (abortion, divorce…). Today we can speak about gender equality, the women fought for their rights just like Margaret Sanger who played an important role. Face to these elements, progress is a good thing.

However, progress presents some inconveniences, as the development of the fair trade [Vous ?tes s?r de vous ? : le commerce equitable est un inconvenient ?]. It’s the social movement which implies that producers have a decent salary. Money is also used to improve the living conditions to build for instance hospitals and schools. It also presents an inconvenience : the price, thus always dearer than the common products many cannot buy him.

So, with the progress laws are created, for example on the firearms. We studied in class, a document "getting has gun in Colorado" and in the United States, you are authorized to possess a firearm if you are eighteen years old and if you did not commit crime. Nevertheless thousands of people die every year as the studied extract " Concette one gun control " Which compromise the vision of the people in favor of the carrying of weapons in the United States.

According to the journalist, there are often two visions of the history when a shooting bursts. Some people think while would be needed more weapons to defend itself, others propose the contrary as the very young children, besides the professors, are armed. In Japan, the carrying of weapons is forbidden and in 2007, 10086 manslaughters took place in the United States, against only 22 in Japan. We can thus assert that sometimes the progress can be in certain cases a bad thing.

To conclude, we saw that progress is a good thing when people rebel with a desire of change but it is source also inconveniences as the authorization to carry weapons. Moreover, students in the United States show their anger in front of numerous tragedies which they live and ask firstly to equalize the carrying of weapons.

Bien ? vous,
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