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First of all, the term " faithless kiss " is addressed to Andrew Beckett's friend. So if some meanings are attached to him, this term is in fact intended to translate perceptions of Andrew and not truely that of his friend.
Several connotations of " faithless kiss " concern both men. First of all " faithless kiss " can refer to the lack of hope. Seeing his friend dying, the Andrew's friend loses hope and faith in the future and life because he knows that his friend is condemned to dye. In taht sense, the kiss he gave while Andrew was stretching out, is like kissing goodbye because they both know how is going to finish their story.
But it is especially in their religious faith that a change occurs. As we saw in the preceding paragraph, the religion rejects homosexuals " Ain t no angel gonna great me ". So, both men have lost their faith because of the refusal of their God in this moment of hardship instead of supporting them. Another
possibility is in the disease. Both men don't understand their fate and it seems unfair that someone iwould be sick and not the others. In their sad fate, they might have questioned God.
In the same way, they might have lost their faith in the human race. Both men are alone, especially Andrew in front of a society and friends who throw them back" I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone ". But also maybe their faith in love. In fact, I think that the loss of hope of Andrew comes along with the loss of other things which he liked, among which love. Seeing his death arriving, and his rejection by the others, he ismisses love.
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