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How to do commentaire composée?on poems

Anglais > sujets expliqués - 11/11/2009 - Question de cours
in this kind of peom, what is fundamentally important is how it is written more than what is written.
The poet plays not only with words but also with sounds and talks the reader into reading his poem in a certain way.
For instance, the cheering "coucougcoughcouhi" is itself expressing the idea of a coughing. The form transforms the meaning. The reader not only captures the idea of coughing but he is himself almost coughing when reading the poem.
Moreover when reading you must read an dstop to understand the words you are saying. That gives you the impression that you are talking while crying. And it is exactly the authir's purpose! The character who actually speaks in the poem is - indeed- crying also.
As a conclusion, here the poet uses the form of his poem to deal with impression that wouldn't be esay to transmit to the reader, and that is the main strength of the poem.
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