en une : Sujet : causes de la crise de 1929

Test production anglais

Anglais > sujets expliqués - 19/03/2009 - correction
bonjour j'ai besoin de savoir si je fais pas trop de faute. je m'éxerce pour le bac, je vous laisse la base des idées en français pour vous aidez en piece jointes. merci

What is your favourite film? Tell the story, then explain why you like it so much. (Use the present to tell the story, and the preterit for any flashbacks).

I love the alien saga, the film is mark on several generations and I love the fact, that human beings live in space, in future of horror, and i prefer the 8 passenger, here is a small summarize: During his return trip to Earth, the Nostromo, a spaceship from a space transportation interplanetary mining company receives a distress message from the planet LV-426. The onboard computer has decided to wake the seven crew members, immersed in cryogenic sleep in order to provide assistance.
On the surface, they discover a spacecraft of unknown origin, which appears abandoned for centuries.
One member of the expedition, Kane, eggs discovered in the depths of the spaceship, it focuses on one of them when a creature sticks to his helmet and hugged his face.
Kane is back on board the ship despite the quarantine procedure
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