en une : Sujet : causes de la crise de 1929

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Enoncé & travail préliminaire :  J'ai un exposé à faire sur un article de journal. Pouvez-vous corriger mes fautes ?

I've chosen a document untitled:"teenage girls eat less but still get fatter"
As the title indicates, it talks about overweight.

The first paragraph introduces the matter: girls eat less but become more and more overweight. To fight against this, they are encouraged to do more exercise.

To prove the problem has always existed, the journalist speaks about a study which has compared the situation nowadays and the situation forty years ago. It appears that girls eat less than in the past. This study shows also that boys weigh less than girls, because they have a healphier lifestyle.

A research found that the difference between girls'and boys'calorie comsuption has increased. Statistics are given to prove this statement: girls eat 55 per cent fewer calories than boys. So, why do they weigh more than them?

Moreover, they consume more fruits and vegetables than boys. They are worried by the calorie intake and eat fruits and vegetables which are healthy and don't make put on weight.

Boys prefer fast food like pizzas, sandwiches. They don't pay attention to their weigh by eating fatty food, but it permits to them to keep their energy levels. They consume three time more meat than girls.

A recent study showed an increase of overweight girls since 1984. We may wonder what are the reasons?

A nutritionist explains why boys put on less weight than girls. In fact, they do physical activity, that's why they lose calories.

She noted girls eat less food because they don't want to put on weight. But she emphazises the fact that it's not the solution. They have to raise their calorie consuption and in the meantime having a more active lifestyle. In fact they don't take enough exercise.

Finally, the writter give another result of the study: girls spend more time over breakfast than boys, but less time over lunch and diner, because they don't put on weight by eating on morning since all calories are burnt.


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