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Anglais > Fiche suggestion de sujet

Sujet / exercice : Rédaction sur le film Sixième Sens
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En classe d'anglais, nous avons regardé le film Sixième Sens. Notre professeur nous a demandé d'en faire le résumé et de donner notre opinion sur le film. Pouurier vous corriger mes fautes sil vous plait ? Voici mon texte :

"The Sixth Sense" is an american thriller. The action takes place in an american city, Philadelphia.

The main characters involved are Malcolm Crowe, a successful child psychologist and Cole Sear, a troubled but very smart young boy, who leaves alone with his mother, Lyn.

Dr Malcolm, who has become an award for his efforts with children, is shaken by the sudden reapparence of one of his former patient called Vincent Gray. This one say that Malcolm didn't hepl him when he was a child. So Vincent try to shoot Malcolm and then, he suicides him.
Months laters, Malcolm encounters Cole. He has similar symptoms as Vincent : he is very frightened by anything and he hasn't got any friends because all his class think he is a freak. So, Malcolm wants to help him. He's determined to accomplish for Cole what he could not do for Vincent. Malcolm has problems with his wife too : she doesn't speak to him any more and Malcolm miss her.
Lyn, Cole's mother, is very anxious for his son and she doesn't know how to help him. She remarks very strange things about Cole : he has cuts and bruises and he write upset words.
Cole tells his secret to Malcolm : in fact, he see dead people who walk around and don't know they are dead. Malcolm doesn't want to believe Cole. He thinks Cole has visual hallucinations but after he has reflected, he understands that is true. He finds a solution : Cole must to help this ghosts. So the young boy tries to help a young girl and he doesn't see the girl any more. The problem is resoluted. Cole thanks Malcolm and say him how he can talk to his wife. Cole decides to tell his secret to his mother, who is very shocked by the revelation.
Finally, Malcolm Crowe understands that he is dead.

I think this film is great because it's fantastic, frightened, dramatic and moving at the same time. The end is very surprising. The actors are marvellous,particurlaly Haley Joel Osment who plays Cole, and Bruce Willis who plays Malcolm.


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