en une : Sujet : causes de la crise de 1929

Anglais > Fiche suggestion de sujet

Sujet / exercice : Correction d'un essai d'anglais
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Enoncé & travail préliminaire :  Bonjours, c'est Mathilde es ce que quelqu'un pourrait corriger mon essai. merci.

Racism is a big phenomenon in french who touch nowadays more and more people. It can touch everybody is susceptible to receive racial insult and this it can have serious consequently. Secondly in French numerous person may be victim of discrimination. For example if employer doesn't like black he will refuse to employ this person. Today numerous people don't have work for raisons of color , race Moreover certains youngs can't come in night-club because of color of skin.

Furthermore certains hirers don't want to praise them housing to person for raison of age..

In french racism is very far to have disappear this is often for raison of origin color of skin handicap religion sex orientation that this person are trating particularly making as if was different. People victim of this discrimination react of two makings.

Either they withdrow into oneself if they undergo this discrim they won't speak and they find oneself throwed of the society. They so that they find them poverty- sicken.

Other people react very violently they take refuge in tne delinquency in the violence.

We can see also ascend of certain groups neo-Nazi or political party who want the turn of immigrant in origin country. This is very serious because this remember the Nazi regime: the dictator ship and her dramatic consequently .

In conclusion racism set a problem of discrimination .Today French deputy examine one project of law bill law who will can reserve tendency with creation high authority of wrestling against discrimination and equality.


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