en une : Le raisonnement par récurrence


Anglais > sujets expliqués - 21/06/2009 - correction

Il faut compléter les phrases suivantes avec des prépositions ou des propositions si c'est nécessaire:

1. Please for give me... being late.
2. What are you thinking ... ?
3. He had lost his key. He was looking for... .
4. I can’t answer... your question.
5. You can’t profit... other people’s experience.
6. I’m no longer interested in... discussion.
7. She complains... she is never listened
8. Ask... it and you’ll get it.
9. He dived... the river.
10. Daddy disagrees for my wearing long hair.
11. I can’t understand why they’re so interested... politics.
12. His answer will depend... her decision.
13. He’s looking... a new job.
14. He arrived... the station too late to catch the train.
15. I’m not keen... football. I prefer tennis.
16. He smiled... her as soon as he recognized her.
17. This house belongs... my grandparents.
18. The criminal was charged... murder.
19. Mark is excellent... tennis.
20. The man suffered... being kept in because all this life he had been used... living in the open air.

Moi j'ai mis:
1. to
2. of
4. at
5. off
6. in
8. for
9. in
10. for
11. for
12. of
13. at
14. to
15. to
16. for
17. at
18. of
19. at
20. to, to

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